Points of View
a few listed here for your convenience
"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect".
~ J. Krishnamurti
When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts he will see the division between the thinker and the thought... the observer and the observed.
Peter Russell. A true visionary and extraordinary philosopher of mind. He has been a great inspiration and definitely deserves your attention. He covers a broad spectrum of different topics with consciousness as the major foundation (I think). To anyone not familiar with his work, I strongly recommend watching The Primacy of Consciousness and The Global Brain. Ever wondered about how exactly consciousness arises from something as insentient as matter? Peter Russell proposes an alternative paradigm that turns things on its head. That and much more can be found on his site.
"Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws." That's Confusius. Want to know what that means and why it is true? Meet Freeman, a master free thinker. If you are able to suspend judgment, he will shed light on an otherwise shadowy world of occult symbolism and magick - being practiced as you read this. Let's demystify; if magic is simply "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will" (that's Aleister Crowley), then you don't have to go any further than to your own TV to see magic (or social engineering if you like) being practiced against us.
Explore http://www.freemantv.com/.
Carlos Castaneda was an anthropology student who went to Mexico in the 1960’s to document, catalogue and study the indigenous use of medicinal plants, with emphasis on plants which produced hallucinogenic effects. When in Mexico a colleague of Castaneda introduced him to a Yaqui Indian and self proclaimed sorcerer by the name of Don Juan Matus. Carlos had no idea of what was in store for him. This was to be the start of a 20-year long training in the ways of the shaman. During this time Castaneda wrote his field notes which later became the basis for more than ten volumes on his breathtaking experiences in the world that Don Juan threw him into. These books have been a great source of inspiration. The philosophy described in his works, is by far the most coherent and all encompassing description of how consciousness, perception, life, death and the cosmos work. To this day I haven't found any other philosophy that even comes close to it. I'd like to recommend a book to start of with; The Fire From Within. Get it, read it, you will not regret it!
Surly a reader of Carlos Castaneda was Terence McKenna. Among the many extraordinary visionaries that have walked Terra in recent times, McKenna was one of the absolute greatest (in my humble opinion). Seeing and hearing him convey the most complex of philosophical explanations in a way only children can, merely hints at how creative a mind he must have been. A pioneer in psycho- and synchronautics, a true explorer and fisherman on the vast dark ocean of consciousness. Let go of your judgments, hang on to your head and enjoy Terence McKenna.
Explore http://deoxy.org/mckenna.htm for more.
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I'll put up some more POVs when I get to it.
I'll put up some more POVs when I get to it.