Friction, heat and fire. That's what runs (our) civilization. It becomes absolutely evident when observing pictures of the night side of Terra from afar, that we are a kind of beings that burn and glow. But it's not us that glow it our environment we make glow. We make it hot, burning, glowing, smoking. What causes this is friction. Rub your hands together you'll see. Friction is what drives the engines of civilization. The industrial revolution. 'Great times'. Funny that in almost every field of industry or manufacture we seek to reduce friction. Reduce the friction of trains, cars and planes. Ball-bearings, electromagnets and aerodynamics - to mention a few - are there to reduce the friction of the very same engines that create it in the first place.
As investigated in other writings [see HumanEgoCollective] the workings of humanity as a whole is but a reflection of the individual. Most singular beings of humanity are self-contradictory. Contradiction is opposition. Opposition is resistance. Resistance is friction. And there you have it. We rub up against everything we come across. Friction is abrasion. Abrasion erodes. Something eroding will not last. Something which is in contradiction with itself will eventually disintegrate. In this way, not only is it our machines that will not last. It is our minds as well. Our egos. That’s humanity. We will not last. The systems on which we have come to rely are flawed. They are flawed because they are the product of separated and fragmented minds. Because they are static systems and mechanisms operating for and from an illusory status quo. Because they have been created with a particular idea in mind for a particular idea in mind. Problem being that none of these ideas exist anywhere else than there, in mind. The contradiction cannot be dissolved with tools created by that same contradiction. Animals change with their environment. If they don’t they parish. If they do they get stronger. That’s what we like to call evolution. Ever noticed that we humans don’t change with our environment? We make our environment change instead. Do we then really evolve? Or do we devolve?
Something is in a state of equilibrium or it isn't. Equilibrium is balance, stability, harmony. It isn’t conflict, struggle or opposition. Opposition is resistance. Resistance is friction. Friction is abrasion. Abrasion is erosion. Something eroding will not last.
It is what it is, whatever it is. That’s undeniable. To say that it isn’t what it is would self-contradictory. And it is what it is whether we like it or not, whether we accept it or not. If we don’t accept it, we deny it. Denying something undeniable is self-contradictory. Human civilization is what it is too. We are what we are. Though we want to be a lot of things we aren’t. We want to be what we are just ten times better, bigger and/or faster. ‘Be all you can be!’ Well, what can I be? A lot of things. But what I can be is not what I am right now. See how time (which is thought) creates separation? Wanting to be something you aren’t is a denial of what you are now. Denial is opposition. Opposition is resistance. Resistance is friction. Friction is erosion. You can want to be something you aren’t until you die (from it). Stop wanting to be something you aren’t and be what you are. Think you are better than that? You’re not. Think you’re an insignificant speck in the vast emptiness of space? You’re not. Think you’re a god? Close, but you’re not. We are the thought objects that constitute our points of view in this sea of change we cannot possibly comprehend. It seems that the only real constant is change. Much like in a stream of water. In a stream one can move in every direction, though not every direction is without resistance. Moving down stream there's not much resistance, try moving up stream and one will encounter a whole lot of resistance. Trying to stay in the same place in relation to the shore – we might call it status quo – is also a lot of work. Not moving at all will cause very little resistance, it’s almost frictionless. But since the stream is changing by itself one is moved by the stream wherever it may go, and that includes places one might not want to be. In a stream one can also feel different areas of turbulence and currents. Within the main stream there are a multitude of currents of alternating speed, strength, length, depth and direction. These can be utilized to change direction without opposing the streams natural change. Being ready to move with these currents when they appear, changing direction in conformity with the changing currents, moving with the coherence of the stream itself, we might call following the path of least resistance. The path of equilibrium. The path of intelligence. Every point of view has a path, and every path is different. Flow with them currents, ride the waves and enjoy. They will carry you wherever you need to go.
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