Thursday, 6 May 2010

The concept of time; applied

Time. An illusion, concept, idea, application. Whatever you want to call it, time is simply that, an application.

Time is based on the changes we see in the sky - movements of celestial objects, that happen to be rhythmical. Like grains of sand, no two solar systems are alike, therefore our rhythm is unique in the infinity of the cosmos. If we had existed somewhere else on another solar system our concept of time would be different. Of course, this is the 21st century and we really don't rely on celestial movements anymore, we probably use quantum clocks or something like that, this doesn't make it any less arbitrary. Now this only means that our version of time is not alike any other version of time there may be in our universe, not that past, present and future are not existing facets of our universe.

The concept of time is of course very practical and our world would not be the same without it, but it really does not exist in the same sense as perception exists. Why do I say perception? Well, do you really perceive time? Where is it exactly you see or feel time? And no, not even on your watch does the time exist. What we see is change. Everything that exists, exists now, and in this now everything is ever changing. What we perceive is change, and then we apply time - to measure the changes.

We have a feeling of past experiences, only because we have learned the concept of time and that experiences which are not being perceived right now but only exist in our minds, are in the past or in the future. The mind draws a line between the past and the present, and this line points to that which we call future. Also only existing in thought.

We see the sun rising and setting every day. Not one day has past where this hasn't happened. What we see is still change, but it has some rhythm to it maybe, like our breath or hart beat. I would argue that rhythm is certainly an existing aspect of our universe. At some point this rhythm becomes an expectation. We expect to see the sun rise again. Now expectations is something animals have too. When the cat hears the crackling of the bag with cat-food, it knows that food will soon appear in the bowl and it comes running to get some. Then we have to put these expectations somewhere in our idea of time, and that is of course in the future.

So in regard to the future, it is obvious that if there was a past which was followed by the present, then this present will become past and be followed by another present, the future.

Of course time is a very coherent dimension. It is so coherent, that we are fooled into believing that it actually exists. Why this incredible coherence?

The fact that we contain these experiences in our minds as memory, is part of the leaning process, the evolution. Our memory is a mechanism that works to prevent us from committing the same mistake twice, or at least we try not to. Without it evolution would be impossible. The problem when considering memory is it has an implicit aspect of time, the past. Now this is the true illusion. The memory is not of past experiences, but simply of experiences contained within the being. The future is a reflection of this. Both are in the mind as thoughts - now.

When you are thinking of anything where the thoughts in use are not indicating something in your present perception of the world, time will be implicit in this thinking.

There is only the ever changing, eternal now.

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